Getting a Provo City Shooting permit

Ok so we had a project that called for shooting down town Provo.  I had never shot anything on the streets of Provo before and I wanted to be lagit so we went a searching for a permit.  Well it turns out that it’s much more of a mess than it seemed.  We had to walk a piece of paper around to each department of the city to have them sign it.  Half of the city people looked at us like we were from another planet and acted like they had never seen any such fourm before and they didn’t know what to do with it.  The other half weren’t there.  So it took 3 days of wondering around the offices of Provo trying to reach people.  The thing I think is funny is that when I got the last department ot sign off, the Poliece department, they said that they were going to make it so you have to apply for a shooting permit and then wait 3-6 weeks to get it back.  I mean who in their right minds would even think about shooting in Provo then.  3-6 weeks in produciton time is almost a lifetime.  Compaines are started and then bought away in less time than that.  So at the end of the day I think I will complain to the City and see if I can’t mix some stuff up for the local film comunity.

2 comments so far

  1. k on

    So, does it make you feel less lonely, honey, talking to yo little seff, walking down the streets of the nice little stupid town? You look like a cool film guy. I mean, like one who is talking to himself.

  2. cammonrandle on

    Actually I feel really stupid walking down the street and talking to my self. But it’s something to do.

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